Value of IFSI Courses

OSFM State Certification

IFSI has been granted course approval for all classes that are tied to state certification through the Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM). Passing an IFSI end-of-course exam IS the equivalent to passing the correlating state exam.  This saves your department time and money by allowing the firefighters to take one exam that meets both IFSI course completion and OSFM certification requirements. 

Please note:  A state certification exam does not equate to passing an IFSI course.  This is because many IFSI courses also carry both Pro Board and IFSAC certification. It is necessary for our students to pass an IFSI end-of-course exam to achieve course completion. 

A current list of IFSI course and exams which are approved by OSFM is included below. For additional information on the Illinois Office of the State Fire Marshal certification program, please visit their site:


OSFM Equivalency
as of 1/1/2018
(per IGA)

Initial Approval Date

Approval End Date

Advanced Fire Officer Yes    
Advanced Technician Firefighter / NFPA Firefighter II Yes    
Airport Fire Fighter Yes    
Basic Firefighter / NFPA Firefighter I Academy Yes    
Chief Fire Officer Yes 7/25/2023  
Company Fire Officer Yes    
Confined Space Rescue Operations Yes 4/21/2014  12/31/2016
Confined Space Rescue Technician Yes 6/1/2023  
Fire Apparatus Engineer (FAE) Yes 2/26/2015  12/31/2016
Fire Department Health and Safety Officer Yes 5/25/2023  
Fire Department Incident Safety Officer Yes 7/16/2009 2/17/2014
Fire Inspector I Yes 8/9/2010  12/31/2016
Fire Inspector II Yes    
Fire Investigator Yes    
Fire Prevention Principles Inactive 6/30/19 7/1/1980  06/30/2019
Fire Service Vehicle Operator (FSVO) IFSI end of course exam  Yes 5/1/2006  12/31/2016
Hazardous Materials Awareness N/A 7/1/2000  12/31/2016
Hazardous Materials Incident Management System Inactive 12/31/2022 1/1/2000  12/31/2016
Hazardous Materials Operations Yes 1/1/2000  12/31/2016
Hazardous Materials Technician Yes 1/1/1995  12/31/2016
Hazardous Materials Technician B Inactive 6/1/19 7/1/1995  11/3/2016
Instructor I Yes 7/1/1975  9/23/2016
Instructor II Yes 7/1/1978  10/7/2016
Instructor III Yes  9/30/2016  9/30/2016
Management I Inactive 6/30/19 7/1/1978  06/30/2019
Management II Inactive 6/30/19 7/1/1978  06/30/2019
Management III Inactive 6/30/19 7/1/1978  06/30/2019
Management IV Inactive 6/30/19 7/1/1978  06/30/2019
Mobile Water Supply N/A    
Public Fire and Life Safety Educator I Yes    
Responder Intervention Team (RIT) N/A    
Rope Rescue Operations Yes 2/27/2014  12/31/2016
Rope Rescue Technician Yes    
Structural Collapse Operations Yes 1/1/2009  12/31/2016
Structural Collapse Technician Yes 5/20/2014  12/31/2016
Tactics & Strategy I Inactive 6/30/19 7/1/1978  06/30/2019
Tactics & Strategy II Inactive 6/30/19 7/1/1978  06/30/2019
Technical Rescue Awareness (TRA) N/A 1/1/2001  12/31/2016
Trench Rescue Operations Yes 2/20/2012  12/31/2016
Trench Rescue Technician Yes 7/17/2012  12/31/2016
Vehicle Machinery Operations Yes 8/29/2014  12/31/2016
Vehicle Machinery Technician Yes 10/6/2014  12/31/2016
Youth Firesetter Intervention Specialist Yes    

EMS Continuing Education

IFSI provides its Regional EMS Office with updated course lists and content on an annual basis for submittal to the Illinois Department of Public Health for EMS Continuing Education credits. If a course is eligible for continuing education through IDPH, the continuing education hours will show up on your IFSI course certificate providing you have completed the course requirements. The current list of IFSI courses which qualify for EMS continuing education credits is included below.

These are the minimum requirements and the EMS Systems that providers function in may require additional hours.

IDPH Guidelines for CEU Requirements

Course Hours
Acquired Structure Burn Team Member Training 2
Active Shooter Incident Management (ASIM) - Advanced 16
Active Shooter Incident Management Basic 3
Advanced Auto Extrication 6
Advanced Fire Officer Blended / NFPA 1021 - Fire Officer II 11.5
Advanced Technician Firefighter / NFPA Firefighter II 3
Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator 1
Agriculture Rescue Techniques 4
Airport Firefighter 2.5
All Hazards Facilities Unit Leader (L 0971) 10
All Hazards Finance/Administration Section Chief (L 0973) 2
All Hazards Finance/Administration Unit Leader (L 0975) 2
All Hazards Incident Commander (L 0950) 6
All Hazards Incident Management Team (O0305) 4
All Hazards Logistics Section Chief (L 0967) 6
All Hazards Operations Section Chief (L 0958) 6
All Hazards Planning Section Chief (L 0962) 4
All Hazards Public Information Officer (L 0952) 4
All Hazards Safety Officer (L 0954) 12
All Hazards Supply Unit Leader (L 0970) 6
Alternative Fuel Vehicle 4
Anhydrous Ammonia Emergencies 2
Basic Aerial Apparatus Operations 1
Basic Auto Extrication 4
Basic Engine Company Operations 3
Basic Firefighter / NFPA Firefighter I Academy 28
Basic Firefighter/NFPA Firefighter I Module C Online 10
Basic Tactics and Strategy 1
Basic Truck Company Operations 1
Chief Fire Officer Blended / NFPA 1021 - Fire Officer III and IV 12
Common Passenger Vehicle Rescue 6
Community Risk Reduction - Assessment 2
Company Fire Officer Blended / NFPA 1021 - Fire Officer I 8
Company Inspections 2
Confined Space Rescue Awareness and Operations 6
Confined Space Rescue Technician 6
Courage to Be Safe 4
Elevator Equipment, Function and Rescue Considerations 2
Emergency Vehicle Operations 2
Emergency Vehicle Operations Online 2
EMS ONLINE Continuing Education - Autism Spectrum and Similar Disorders In Emergency Situations .5
EMS ONLINE Continuing Education - Challenges in Assisting Ventilation .5
EMS ONLINE Continuing Education - Diabetic Emergencies 1
EMS ONLINE Continuing Education - Friday Night Trauma .5
EMS ONLINE Continuing Education - Geriatric Emergencies .5
EMS ONLINE Continuing Education - Getting People Back; Successful Resuscitation in CPR 1
EMS ONLINE Continuing Education - Heart Failure 1
EMS ONLINE Continuing Education - Hemorrhage Control .5
EMS ONLINE Continuing Education - Intranasal Narcan .5
EMS ONLINE Continuing Education - Medication Safety .5
EMS ONLINE Continuing Education - Oxygenation .5
EMS ONLINE Continuing Education - Psychological Effect on EMS Providers 1
EMS ONLINE Continuing Education - Special Pediatric Population : Overview .5
EMS ONLINE Continuing Education - Special Pediatric Population : Section One .5
EMS ONLINE Continuing Education - Special Pediatric Population : Section Three .5
EMS ONLINE Continuing Education - Special Pediatric Population : Section Two .5
EMS ONLINE Continuing Education - STEMI Review .5
EMS ONLINE Continuing Education - Stroke .5
Engine Company Operations 3
Essentials I 4
Essentials II 3
Essentials III 3
Ethanol Awareness .5
Facility Fire Brigade - Incipient 2
Fire Apparatus Engineer - NFPA Driver/Operator - Pumper 2
Fire Department Health and Safety Officer Online 6
Fire Department Incident Safety Officer 4
Fire Ground Search and Rescue 4
Fire Investigator 6
Fire Service Ladders 1
Fire Service Vehicle Operator 2
Fire Service Vehicle Operator Online 2
Firefighter Rehabilitation and Heat Stress Management 6
Fires on the Farm 2
First In Company Operations for Technical Rescue 4
First-In Company Operations for Technical Rescue Online 2
Flammable Liquids by Rail Awareness 1
Grain Bin Rescue Awareness 4
Grain Bin Rescue Operations 8
Hazardous Materials Awareness - NFPA 2
Hazardous Materials Awareness - OSHA 2
Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations (470 - Ch 7, 9.2, 9.6) 8
Hazardous Materials Awareness Online - NFPA 2
Hazardous Materials Awareness Online - OSHA 2
Hazardous Materials Incident Command 4
Hazardous Materials Technician (470 - Ch 11) 8
HAZWOPER Operations 8
HAZWOPER Technician 8
Hospital Decontamination for First Receivers 6
ICS 100.c - Introduction to the Incident Command System 2
ICS 200.c - Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response 2
ICS 300 - Intermediate ICS (O0465) 8
ICS 400 - Advanced ICS for Complex Incidents (O0467) 8
ICS 700.b - An Introduction to the National Incident Management System 2
ICS 800.d - An Introduction to the National Response Framework 2
Industrial Incident Safety Officer 4
Instructor I 4
Instructor I Blended 4
Instructor II 8
Instructor II Blended 8
Large Vehicle Extrication 4
Leadership, Accountability, Culture & Knowledge (LACK) 1.5
NWCG S-359 Medical Unit Leader 18
Opioid Awareness ONLINE 1
Pipeline Emergencies - 911 Dispatcher_PSAP 1
Pipeline Emergencies - 911 Dispatcher_PSAP Online 1
Pipeline Emergencies - Initial Incident Command 1
Public Fire and Life Safety Educator I & II 7.5
Resiliency Awareness Online 1
Resiliency Development for First Responders 4
Resiliency Development for Leadership Support 4
Responder Intervention Team (RIT) Chief 4
Responder Intervention Team - Basic 4
Responder Intervention Team Rescue Technician 4
Rope Rescue Awareness and Operations 8
Rope Rescue Technician (1006 - Ch 5) 12
Routine Emergencies 2
School Safety and Violent Event Incident Management (Reunification) 4
Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus 2
Structural Collapse Rescue Awareness and Operations 1.5
Traffic Incident Management - Awareness Online (TIM) 1
Trench Rescue Awareness and Operations 8
Trench Rescue Technician (1006 - Ch 12) 4
Vehicle and Machinery Technician 8
Wilderness Search and Rescue Awareness (8 hour) 2

National Certification

Click Here to Learn about National Certification

College Credit

A student, who has already taken, or who plans to take, an IFSI course and desires to apply the recommended credits toward a college curriculum, should check with the college he or she plans to attend to determine both the amount of credit and the subject areas in which the college will grant credit. Each institution and, in many cases, each academic unit and department within each institution, sets its own policies for granting credit. The college is not required to grant a student as much credit as recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE).

The Illinois Fire Service Institute will issue unofficial transcripts which are often required by colleges and universities. It is the responsibility of the student to acquire the certificates or course history required for the college or university to issue credit, or to request that IFSI send an unofficial transcript.

Here are list of courses that IFSI offers and recommended college credits and possible programs for them to be listed under:

Fire Apparatus Engineer: Pump Operators
Lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Fire Engineering, Fire Science, or Fire Technology.

Fire Prevention Principles
Lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Fire Science or Fire Technology.

Fire Inspector I Blended
Lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Fire Technology

Fire Inspector II Blended
Upper division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Fire Technology

Fire Investigator
Upper division baccalaureate category, 6 semester hours in Criminal Justice, Fire Science, Fire Technology, Insurance, or Law Enforcement.

Instructor I / Instructor I Blended
Lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Education, Methods of Teaching, Fire Science, or Fire Technology. 

Instructor II / Instructor II Blended
Upper division baccalaureate category, 3 semester hours in Education, Methods of Teaching, Fire Science, or Fire Technology.

Instructor III / Instructor III Blended
Upper division baccalaureate category, 3 semester hours in Education, Methods of Teaching, Fire Science, or Fire Technology.

Upper division baccalaureate category, 3 semester hours in Business Administration, Fire Science, Management, or Personnel Management.

Hazardous Materials: Operations
Lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hour in Emergency Medical Services, Fire Science, Fire Technology, Law Enforcement, or Environmental Health and Safety.

Hazardous Materials: Technician
Upper division baccalaureate degree category, 4 semester hours in Fire Science, Fire Technology, Environmental Health and Safety, Emergency Medical Services, or Law Enforcement.

Tactics & Strategy II
Lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Fire Science or Fire Technology.

Public Fire and Life Safety Educator I & II
Lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Fire Technology 

Youth Fire Setter Intervention Specialist
Lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Fire Technology

Basic Firefighter / NFPA Firefighter I Academy
Lower division baccalaureate category, 9 semester hours in Fire Science.

Basic Operations Firefighter / NFPA firefighter I Blended
Lower division baccalaureate category, 9 semester hours in Fire Science.

Emergency Medical Technician: Basic
Lower division baccalaureate category, 5 - 6 semester hours in Allied Health Sciences or Emergency Medical Service.

Transcript Request

American Council on Education (ACE)

The American Council on Education (ACE) has reviewed numerous IFSI courses for college credits. Descriptions and the amount of credits recommended by the ACE are listed in the National Guide to Educational Credit for Training Programs. IFSI terminated its affiliation with ACE effective March 4, 2008. However, ACE approved courses completed prior to that date are still eligible for ACE recognition just as previously. Courses after that date are not ACE recognized. In addition, courses taken after March 4, 2008 for which a student is requesting college credit, IFSI can verify to the college the syllabus and objectives covered in the class.

A student who has already taken, or plans to take, an Institute course and desires to apply the recommended credits toward a college curriculum, should check with the college he or she plans to attend to determine both the amount of credit and the subject areas in which the college will grant credit. Each institution and, in many cases, each academic unit and department within each institution, sets its own policies for granting credit. The college is not required to grant a student as much credit as recommended by ACE. A record of the IFSI courses you have taken is available in the Student Resource Center of the IFSI website for view/print. There is also a link to request a formal transcript.

NFA Approved Classes

Online Application Process for State-Sponsored Classes The National Fire Academy has transitioned to an online admissions application process and the online application can be found at:

In the section identified as “Head of Organization”, please list the following information for your application to be processed successfully:

Name: JP. Moore
Position: Deputy Director

If you have an issue or a question regarding the online admissions application, please contact:

NETC Admissions Department
(301) 447-1035

The online application will open the day before the class and be open fourteen days after the class concludes.  Failure to turn in an application will result in not receiving credit for the course.

The following courses are approved and endorsed by the U.S. Fire Administration's National Fire Academy.